Suppose we have some data that compares some elements. Often this compares all the pairs of elements from some set, but sometimes pairs of elements from two different sets. In the concrete example used here, each element is a batch of ~1000 tomato meristem cells, which we have the combined RNA sequencing data for.
We want to visualize and understand the similarities between the elements. In our case, we have cell batches that we know were sampled at different times during a fast development process, and are interested in estimating how far along this process each batch is.
Naively, we can correlate the RNA profiles of the batches, getting a matrix where each entry tells us, for a specific pair of batches, how similar they are to each other. To get a non-negative similarity measure, we also change all negative correlation values to zero.
To load this meristems
similarity matrix (and the
functions), write:
The next step would be to visualize this data. R helpfully gives us
the pheatmap
function, which will (by default) also cluster
the data such that similar batches would be placed near each other. That
is, in theory, we would not only get us a nice visualization, but we can
hope to use this to obtain some meaningful order of the batches, which
might map to a position along the development process we want to
So, we try:
At a first glance, this seems to indicate there are two very sharply distinguished sub-groups of batches, with a third mixed group. We know the batches were sampled from a continuous process, and biological processes are never this clean. We definitely can’t use this to estimate the position of each batch along some development process.
Perhaps the problem is with the clustering? We could invoke
without any clustering at all. This would preserve
the data’s order; if we had an a-priori order, this would be exactly
what we’d need to do to visualize the data. However, in our case, there
is no such a-priori order - it is exactly that which we are trying to
extract from the data. That is, if we try:
pheatmap::pheatmap(meristems, show_rownames=FALSE, show_colnames=FALSE, cluster_rows=FALSE, cluster_cols=FALSE)
This most definitely is not what we want to see.
So, what went wrong? It turns out, our the data is fine. The problem is with the method we used to visualize/analyze it.
To understand the root problem, consider a hierarchical clustering
algorithm given the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4
to cluster. We
expect it to group the two low values together, then the two high
values, and combine them to a final ( (1, 2), (3, 4) )
tree. In practice, however, such algorithms don’t care about the
internal order within each tree node. That is, the algorithm would be
just as happy giving us the tree ( (4, 3), (1, 2) )
, which
is technically correct, but is not the best kind of correct.
Amplify this problem to hundreds, or thousands, of clustered
elements, and it is obvious in retrospect that we can’t expect
(and therefore pheatmap
) to solve our
problem. Enter “slanted matrices” to the rescue.
Technically, a “slanted matrix” is a matrix which is reordered such that its highest values are as close to the diagonal as possible. This, in theory, should give us a clearer indication of the overall structure of the similarity data. Ignoring clustering for a moment, we therefore try:
sheatmap(meristems, order_data=similarity, show_rownames=FALSE, show_colnames=FALSE, cluster_rows=FALSE, cluster_cols=FALSE)
This is exactly the same data as before.
Implementation notes:
Internally, this is implemented by the slanted_orders
function, which repeatedly sorts the rows by the index of their “center
of mass” column, and then the columns by the index of their “center of
mass” row, until the system stabilizes. This is pretty fast for small
data (e.g. up to N=1000 batches as in here) but grows (roughly) at a
rate of (N log N)^2, so it may take a long while when ordering several
thousands of elements. That said, displaying a heatmap with many
thousand rows and columns isn’t very practical anyway.
This is not restricted to the square symmetric matrix one gets from computing correlations. It will also work just as well for a rectangular or an asymmetric similarity matrix.
The sheatmap
function wraps all this (with additional
functionality described below), similarly to the way
wraps the unordered hclust
The similarity data used for reordering must contain only
non-negative values. Here we are showing correlation data, which can be
negative. To overcome this we have chosen to set all negative
correlation to zero, and we use the order_data
which allows
displaying the original (possibly negative) data while ordering by
another (non-negative) data. Clustering (described below) is always done
on the original data.
What if we still want to see the cluster structure of our data? The
function provides two main options to do this,
with different trade-offs.
If we have an a-priori clustering of the data, we can pass it to
(in the same way as we pass it to
, e.g. cluster_rows=hclust(...)
). In
this case, sheatmap
will preserve the clustering, but at
each node will pick the best order of the two sub-trees so that the end
result will be the “best” slanted order.
That is, if we again consider the “technically correct” clustering
tree ( (4, 3), (1, 2) )
, and the ideal order
1, 2, 3, 4
, then sheatmap
will use the
function to give us the equivalent
clustering tree ( (1, 2), (3, 4) )
. In general, however,
one can’t always get exactly the ideal order;
does the best it can.
We don’t have an a-priory clustering, but we did get one from
(that is, hclust
). We might
reasonably assume the only problem is not with that tree as of itself,
but just with the fact it is essentially in a random order. Assuming all
this, we can ask sheatmap
to use the same
as pheatmap
, and merely reorder it for
improved visualization, by writing:
sheatmap(meristems, order_data=similarity, show_rownames=FALSE, show_colnames=FALSE, oclust_rows=FALSE, oclust_cols=FALSE)
Better - we do see there’s a transition between two states, but it is more blocky than the smooth transition we have seen before, which seems a better fit for the continuous biological process we wish to capture.
Still, in some cases the unconstrained hclust
might be superior, or we may have some other a-priori clustering we wish
to preserve. In such cases, this approach would allow us to visualize
this clustering in the “best possible” way.
The default behavior for sheatmap
is to use
instead of hclust
, that is generate a
clustering tree which is constrained to be compatible with the “ideal”
slanted order. Thus, we can replace the simple use of
with the simple use of sheatmap
Much better - here we not only the see the clear gradient as before,
but also that it splits naturally to a few phases (that smoothly
transition from one to the next). We can highlight this by using the
sheatmap(meristems, order_data=similarity, show_rownames=FALSE, show_colnames=FALSE, cutree_rows=5, cutree_cols=5)
Implementation notes:
Internally, this is implemented by the oclust
In general hierarchical clustering of elements (rows or columns in
our case) tries to create a binary tree such that the more similar two
elements are, the closer they are in the tree. The twist in ordered
clustering (as implemented by oclust
) is that the elements
are ordered, and each group of elements clustered under any tree node
must be a contiguous range of such elements.
Visually this means that if we draw the final clustering tree on top of the ordered elements, there would be no edge crossings. This makes ordered clustering a natural addition to the slanted matrix visualization.
That is, normally (as in pheatmap
), an unconstrained
hierarchical clustering is done first, and the matrix visualization
order is chosen to be compatible with the clustering tree. Here (in
using oclust
), we do the opposite -
we first order the elements for the slanted matrix visualization, and
then find a compatible clustering tree to go with it.
In principle it is possible to adapt any clustering method to include
an ordering constraint. We chose to adapt Ward’s method
(both ward.D
and the default ward.D2
supported). In this method, the algorithm starts with each element on
its own, and merges the two elements such that the total variance within
the merged node is minimized. It recursively merges groups of elements
(minimizing the variance each time) until obtaining the full clustering
The general Ward’s method can pick any two element groups to combine
at each step. In contrast, the ordered oclust
variant can
only choose adjacent element groups, trusting the a-priori order to have
placed similar elements adjacent to each other. This makes the algorithm
much faster, which allows for a practical pure R implementation. The
full Ward’s method is slower, so requires a FORTRAN implementation.